Final Portfolio Formal Submission
1. PDF
Everything in .pdf submitted to our “400792 31.1.12” folder by 1 February, including:
- Cover Sheet
- Self-Evaluation
- All of your weekly submissions (including all posts and comments)
2. Summary in Print
Hard copy, stapled in the upper-left, your name on every page, and in an envelope addressed to: “Prof. Dr. Bruce Spear, B4.25 Hauspost” and delivered to me by 1 February, including
- Cover Sheet (HWR Cover Sheet / Deckblatt)
- A discussion of two “a-ha!” experiences — one each for an exercise and post — including both the documents and your commentary
- Self-Evaluation answering the following questions.
For your final portfolio I would like you to discuss how this class has contributed to your learning and personal and professional growth. This will help me put your work into perspective when I evaluate your work using the evaluation rubric. But maybe most important, meaning, for you, will be the perspective that it offers you.
1. Business, and your professional direction
Looking at your blog posts, from first to last, discuss how your research, writing, and discussion in this class has helped you identify, clarify, and commit to your major field of interest.
2. Research, technology and workflow.
Reviewing your many comments on learning new technologies and methods, discuss how differently you now organize your time, research, study, writing.